Teer Formula

The Teer Formula is a method used by some players to predict potential results based on the previous day’s Teer outcome. For instance, if yesterday’s results were:

  • First Round (FR): AB
  • Second Round (SR): XY

You can begin by writing the numbers down as follows: A B – X Y.

Formula 1:

  1. First, calculate using the following steps:
    • A + Y and X – B to get one potential number.
  2. Then, calculate:
    • Y – X and Y – B/A, or alternatively, Y + B/A, to generate another possible number.

By applying this method, you continue adding and subtracting the values for A, B, X, and Y to come up with different combinations. While this formula is popular among some players, it’s important to remember that Teer is a game of chance, and no method guarantees a win.